I learned a new place where God's light shines bright.
I read, "Wise Our Earth."
What a beautiful concept for building our community of dedicated soldiers for Truth Love & Light.
Here is what I wrote in intro -
About me ~
As a father of 3 Wonderful children; 7,8 & 14 I am keenly focused on the Education of our Children and trickling up to previous generations for the prevention of dis-ease and malnutrition-Obesity. I believe that as we let our children explore their own True human needs they will find themselves through creative expression of natural play. Our children have a lesson of Love to share.
When we play with our environment and have fun with how and where our food comes from we gain the whole purpse of life, in a single moment of Joyful creative which lasts a lifetime. Love only grows best when watered and mineralized effectively.
We are infinite beings and the majority never realize 10 perecent of their potential before expiring form this life prematurely. I am here to be the differnce I see in the world I know I can and I will be and make a differnece some how each and evry day a little brighter somewhere somehow. That love that keeps on giving each time it is watered.
Important to water and nurture each and every seed we sow. Best yield from a love filled field
I am a gourmet Chef by trade.
I am developing foods for packaging and distribution.
I am building the team of winning and Loving advocates for Healthful, Joyful living!
I Love being outside playing, walking, running, swimming. That's about me in a nutshell.
My nut shell is daily prayer of gratitude and appreciation of each opportunity to be the light, like my Christ, to the Best of my ability.
Wonderful to meet each of you here as we are all embarking on wonderful transformation journeys making things happen the way we choose to see them. Thank You for doing what you are best at Loving!
I am Richard David Hemsley
Synergy Chef
See you here!